Friday, September 9, 2011


Art is amazing. I geniunely enjoy writing essays for art class.

We've been learning about awesome people, like Da Vinci and Michelangelo.
But do you know who was a boss? GIOTTO DI BONDONE! He was the mofo who invented all those guys' styles. Ain't that something? And did you know that he was a shepard boy before he was an artist? I know right, crazy talk.

Anyway, I'm most likely boring you so I'm going to talk about how I always get paint all over my hands. (that's an artform too) But seriously, I do. Its bad. I have this new thing called a palette book. Its amazing. I can mix all my colours on it and when I'm done with that page, I can tear it out and then I have a brand new palette to work with! I KNOW! Revolutionary, right?

I got stuck in the shower with a rain spider once. Scary shit.

I've run out of things to speak about.



Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Great music.

I love music.

There is amazing music all around us. So many different genres, bands, instruments, styles... Its impossible not to love music. Whether you listen to Death Metal or Classical, we all have a soft spot for this incredible medium of expression.

I'm going to let you in on a secret. OLD MUSIC IS FREAKING THE BEST! That wasn't grammatically correct at all, but I honestly couldn't have said it better. Bands like The Who, ACDC, The Doors, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin will carry on throughout the ages, long after the artists themselves have gone. There are only a few modern bands that I love as much as old bands.

These are bands such as Green Day, My Chemical Romance, and The White Stripes. My reason being; these bands are made up of true rock stars. They will never die out, because they are legends. The rock star gene pool has been sadly diluted due to the invention of rap and house music.

Even though there aren't as many rock stars out there these days, each generation will bring forth at least a few of them to spread the message of true rock out to those of us who are tasteful enough to listen.

I'm not in any way saying that rock is the only genre worth listening to, I also love Classical music, I like a few dubstep songs, a few folk songs, I love metal (melodic metal preferably), and indie etc. I could go on listing for hours. We all have our music addictions.

Here are some bands and artists to listen to if you agree with me so far:

Pink Floyd, ACDC, Jethro Tull, The Beatles, The Who, The Doors, The White Stripes, Jimi Hendrix, Aerosmith, Billy Idol, Bryan Addams, Eagles, The Clash, Franz Ferdinand, Green Day, In Flames, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Muse, My Chemical Romance, Oasis, Pixies, The Mars Volta, Prime Circle, Red Hot Chili Peppers, R.E.M, System Of A Down, The White Stripes and U2.

Keep reading,


Friday, September 2, 2011


I felt like writing about cookies today. Cookies are just the best, aren't they?

There are so many varieties. Chocolate chip, shortbread, oat, macaroons, brownies, etc. :D
Cookies aren't all good though. They make you fat. AAAAAAND the muthafuckaz get stuck in your teeth.
They're too tempting, as well.

Cookies are great to have with tea too. But you gotta be quick, or else half of it will break off into your tea and make it all weird and mushy. If you do it properly though, it will be so worth it.

Marie biscuits are the best for dunking. They taste delicious, and you only have to hold them in for a couple of seconds.

The most amazing cookie I've ever had was a HUUUUGE cookie with smarties baked into it. Mind. Blown.

I'm really surprised I've managed to write this much about cookies.

Anyway, byyyyye y'all.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Into the wild

Eddie Vedder. 'Nuf said.
He's such an amazing musician. I found out about him through the movie Into The Wild (which is also incredible).

That movie holds a powerful meaning. The man they based the movie on, I would have loved to shake his hand. He lived a free life, away from social pressure, financial troubles, pollution and expectations. It may have been short, but dear Lord it must have been fulfilling. I would want at least one person to share it with though. To live free like that, to be surrounded by an enviroment so pure and untouched, is my idea of heaven.

Spring is coming, doncha love spring? I do. We're celebrating it on Friday at my school. :) Isn't that awesome? We're all gonna plant flowers and wear bright colours. Its valuable to stop working for a bit to celebrate the beauty that is all around us, and that we take for granted. In honour of spring, why not sit outside for a while and admire the magnificence of the natural world? It will leave you feeling so happy, so at peace.

For those of you going to Joburg Day, enjoy it. And I'll see you there :). We have a great city, well worthy of celebrating!

Also, listen to Big Hard World- Eddie Vedder.

Keep reading :)


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My thoughts on the apocalypse

Hey people.

In my opinion, the world has already started to end. Unless we make some brilliant discovery that replaces all the fossil fuels we've used, undoes all the pollution we've caused, disarms the weapons we've built, and provides an everlasting alternative for use of any limited resources, we're pretty screwed.

I hope though, that the apocalypse doesn't wipe out ALL mankind. I'd like to be part of a post-apocalyptic society, wouldn't you? Sounds weird, I know, but it would be a bit of fun. Scary, yes, but fun-scary. Like a roller-coaster.

Anyway, first full day with red hair. I'm pretty amped. My song for the day is Do You Want To- Franz Ferdinand. Listen to it.

Have a great day


So this is my blog.

Hey y'all. This is now officially my blog. Every once in a while I'll post something interesting, maybe an article, a cool picture, jokes, stories etc. Just out of interest, I dyed my hair red today. Looks pretty radical.

If you guys want me to post something, email meh.

ANYWAYS! I love you people. I have nothing much more to say, so cheers.
